What makes a Sports Agents unique ?
What makes a Sports Agents unique ?
Well, there are a lot of lists circulating around the Internet in different versions,
and I find it funny and very true, so I will include a cleaned-up version of it here.
In my opinion is just one think to make a Sports Agents unique:
helping players.
Yes, you read well.
That's my idea about the mission of Sports Agents in the Business of Sports Agents.
Helping players to arrive until the top
(it's wrote players !)
Helping players to arrive until the top of their career
(it's wrote their, not yours !)
Helping players to arrive until the top of their performances too
(it's wrote their performance, not yours !)
And, once on the top,
helping players and his family to remain for a long time there.
That's make a Sports Agent Unique.
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